The Grand Adventure

06 October 2006

shots...and a gripe session???

So this is a bit of a flashback post leading up to a point in the present...that is today.

So about 2 weeks ago i adopted a kitten (see last posts pics) named 油条 (youtiao), named after a fried breakfast food. Now i love my kitty, but i unfortunately he came with some baggage. Baggage no cat should come with. His original owner won't leave me the f*ck alone. She is constantly calling...not to check on my beautiful kitty, but to come over "chill" at my house. Now i realize that this is partly a scheme of hers to practice english...but god damn it give it up...i don't want to talk to you. Just leave me an my kitty alone, for christ's sake he claws and bites you evertime you try to touch him. gripe session over. (a pic of the evil one)

Anyway, the point of this is that i brought youtiao to get his second round of shots today, and he hates shots so it makes for a very long and tiring day. In fact, i have never heard a house-cat "roar," that's right folks, i said "roar," the way youtiao does. This isn't your average "i'm a cat and i'm pissed off" sound...this is the "if you freakin' touch me i'm going to claw out you eyes, and piss on the open wound" sound.

Anyway, the tramitic experience is over once and for all and my kitty is finally immune to whatever he might get himself into.


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