The Grand Adventure

13 June 2006

"One night in Hong Kong I ate a whole lot of VAGINA"

Yes, i know what you're thinking from the title. "This kid is sick, twisted, disgusting...blah blah blah..." Let me assure you however this is a bit twisted but not in the pervertated way you are thinking.

I am talking about a traditional dessert. Still think it's pervertated?? Hmm?? let me clarify. I went to a dessert shop with some newly met friends who introduced me to a classic dessert which is none other than... you got it...frog vagina (affectionatley reffered to as "snow tressure in syup" on the english menu).

I realize that this is a short post but i just wanted to type out that title phrase for the world (whoever is bored enough to read this) to see.

10 June 2006

Rainy ass Hong Kong

So i celebrated my B-day in HK! It sucked!! HAHA! But only because of the weather. There was really nothing to do, except shopping. So.. i did. I decided i needed to buy a (some) birthday gifts for myself, so i spent the day in and out of different shops. Now, ordinarily i would not waste a day like this, but it was raining...HARD. So why not?

I was not successful at first, so i ended up in park in the middle of shopping district watching some old guy do some crazy taiqi. Then out of no where some woman points to me and beckons me over. She gave me a badmiton (sp) racket and we started to play. It took me about 3 minutes to get a feel for it, but then it was really nice. I played for about 1.5hrs in a light drizzle before it started to downpoor again. They told me to come back to the park at the some time anytime it wasn't raining. It was fun, so i just might.

Finally, i took myself out for a B-day dinner (because all my HK peeps where watching TV too afraid to get their stylish clothes wet :) ) and i finally found a pair of shoes, and then later a pair of pants. What fun shopping is....BKAHDKLJAD....LAME's bakc to hunting for things to do in the rain. I will finally get to eat some Dimsum today in about 2.5 hours!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unitl later, enjoy

06 June 2006 one

SO it's about time for the post on my first night in Singapore. What a crazy crazy experience...

Within hours of arrival i was hurried off to enjoy some dinner, which was quickly followed by the drinking of two glasses of wine at a local wine shop. Had the night ended there, there would have been no problems, but as coincidence would have it (without coincidence there would be no story.) i ended up at a bar. Here the night really began and i was forced to put down more beer than i have in a month. This was then followed by a sitting at a "coffee shoppe," where guess what they serve... that's right folks, BEER. So after more beer, a serving of stir-fried frog, and some prata... i was feeling rather ill and not quite up to par. It was decided that i should go home. It was a long walk to the bus stop, because along the way i kept falling asleep hanging over railings. Finally, after a video-taped vomitting session, i made it back (with the friend that invited me to Singapore) to the bus stop outside my hostel. There i fell asleep again because i (we) could bring ourselves to climb the stairs to the 4th floor. Finally at about 4am someone came by and woke us up and we headed to the hostel, were we slept on the floor outside the door to the room... because we did not want to wake up the other people in the dormatory. Plus there was only one bed inside (he's a local...why would he stay there) so one of us would have slept on the floor anyway.

SO, that's it for day one... More posts to come summarizing the visit to SIngapore as well as Hong Kong (i'm in Hong Kong now)